Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sticking to the Script

Have you ever used a "script" to solicit? Does it make you feel more comfortable or constricted?

Script Pros:
Keeps you from rambling
Moves the conversation
Helps the "confidence challenged"

Script Cons:
Speaking "at" donors, not "with" them
Easily derailed
Sounds "scripted"

I see benefits to both sides of the issue: On the one hand, real life seldom follows a script. On the other hand, many solicitors, without realizing it, have incredible difficulty staying on task. I have botched many an ask by not being a mesudar.

The middle path: outline your "solicitation milestones". In this way, they have a clear, orderly "objectives" that allows for shakleh vetaryeh, objections, etc.

For Example:
Banter/Small talk
Soft Ask 
Reasons & Rationals
Affirm his Objections
Hard Ask
Small talk & Thank
I'm not saying that you should write this on your hand, mind you. But for every solicitation, you should go in knowing where you have to take the conversation.

Try it!

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